FOB Staff Appointed as Program Assessment Panel and Personnel for Assessment and Verification (PPV) of the Malaysian Skills Certification System (SPKM)

Tc. Mohd Hanafi Bin Mahamud, a technician member from Faculty of Business (FOB) was appointed as a skilled Program Assessment Panel and Personnel for Assessment and Verification (PPV) of the Malaysian Skills Certification System (SPKM) on 18 July 2023. His expertise spans across two fields of operation, namely Computer Systems (IT-020-3:2013) and Computer System Administration [IT-020-4:2013]. This prestigious appointment was made by the Department of Skills Development (JPK), which operates under the Ministry of Human Resources in Malaysia.

Considering this significant role, Tc. Mohd Hanafi Bin Mahamud embarked on a crucial visit to the MICOSTSKILLS Training and Skills Center [L02717]. The center is situated at Lot 925, Block C, Wisma Yayasan Melaka, Jalan Hang Tuah, 75300 Melaka. The primary objective of this visit was to uphold and ensure the quality of the skills assessment process.

To achieve this, Tc. Mohd Hanafi meticulously reviewed and verified all assessment-related documents, such as COPPA, scheduling, teaching plans, notes, final assessments, quizzes, and assignments. Furthermore, he observed the support staff and facilities at the training center to evaluate their alignment with the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) and industry practices in the relevant field.

Aside from quality control, Tc. Mohd Hanafi also offered invaluable advisory services pertaining to assessment implementation. He made recommendations regarding the required equipment for practical work and the proper execution of classes, ensuring compliance with the set criteria by JPK for skills evaluation.

As a final step, Tc. Mohd Hanafi diligently compiled all findings and observations into a comprehensive report. This report detailed the outcomes of the assessment activities, designed meticulously to meet the exact standards set forth by JPK for skills evaluation. In essence, Tc. Mohd Hanafi Bin Mahamud’s appointment and subsequent visit to the MICOSTSKILLS Training and Skills Center played a vital role in the continuous enhancement of the Malaysian Skills Certification System (SPKM). His dedication to maintaining excellence and adherence to industry practices will undoubtedly contribute to the continued growth and success of the program.

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FOB Staff Appointed as Program Assessment Panel and Personnel for Assessment and Verification (PPV) of the Malaysian Skills Certification System (SPKM)


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