FOB & ICAEW Malaysia Reinforce Partnership and Collaboration

On 17 January 2023, the Faculty of Business (FOB) hosted delegates from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), Malaysia. The delegates were led by Ms. Loh Wei Yuen, the Head of ICAEW Malaysia, and accompanied by Mr. Lim Ming Hsiang (Senior Manager, Marketing and Student Recruitment) and Mr. Andrew Yew (Senior Recruitment Manager).

The ICAEW delegation was welcomed by Dr. Lye Chun Teck (Dean of FOB), Dr. Ng Tuan Hock (Deputy Dean, AIR I) and Ms. Nun Shwu Huey (Deputy Dean, AIR II), Dr. Zauwiyah Ahmad (Head of Bachelor of Accounting programme) and Pn. Norliza Darus (Programme Coordinator of Diploma in Accounting programme).

It was a fruitful visit as it provided a platform for the two institutions to discuss further collaboration, particularly in providing better support to MMU accounting students to pursue ICAEW BFP and ACA professional qualifications, and to increase their awareness of the importance of professional accounting qualifications on graduate employability.

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