FOB Staff and Students Attend “Silap Labur, Duit Lebur” Webinar

A total of 94 staff and students from the Faculty of Business (FOB) attended a webinar entitled “Silap Labur, Duit Lebur”, which was conducted by Mr. Kamarul Rozman Nordin, Assistant General Manager Securities Commission on 21st March 2022. The event was jointly organised by the faculty and Securities Commission Malaysia, which aimed at encouraging students and staff to take control of their finances so that they can be responsible for their own future.

Furthermore, this webinar also equipped the students and staff with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to exercise good judgment and discretion as well as protect them from any investment scams. Moreover, this webinar inspired the audience to participate in the capital market investment.

All in all, the participants gained more information on investment products, awareness of scam activities, as well as knowledge about Malaysia’s investment market. Mr. Kamarul also shared some investing insights related to growing wealth as well as avoiding financial fraud. The session was also joined by Dr. Lye Chun Teck, Dean of FOB, as well as Ms. Ummu Umairah, Mr. Vincent Chan, Ms. Sairul Balqis, and Ms. Faezah Othman, FOB lecturers.

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