Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Bioinformatics

(R2/481/6/0708) 02/26 (A6684)

Bioinformatics is dynamic and evolving, representing one of the most rapidly growing and challenging areas in science and technology today.

The MMU Bioinformatics programme is a balance of IT and Life Sciences plus training in specific applications. A significant component of our programme is practical laboratory experience and problem-based learning, alongside student presentations and lectures in small classes. Projects and Industry experience add another dimension to the knowledge gained in lectures.


  • To produce bioinformatics professionals who are able to adopt appropriate methodologies and techniques to provide computing solutions based on relevant knowledge and technical skills in the fields of study in line with the industry requirements.
  • To produce bioinformatics professionals who have leadership skills, autonomy and responsibility and communicate effectively with discipline-related stakeholders.
  • To produce bioinformatics professionals who uphold ethical and professional practices in maintaining self and professional integrity.
  • To produce bioinformatics professionals who have positive attitudes, commitment for lifelong learning and entrepreneurial mind-set within industry for self and career progression.


  • Describe and demonstrate knowledge of sciences and computing fundamentals in bioinformatics field.
  • Apply a range of essential methods and procedures to solving a broad range of problems in bioinformatics field.
  • Convey bioinformatics related ideas and solutions through effective interaction with diverse stakeholders.
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical practices in delivering services related to bioinformatics field.
  • Communicate effectively, and function individually or in teams, with a capability to be a leader.
  • Identify, formulate and provide creative, innovative and effective solution to bioinformatics related field problems.
  • Use digital and numeracy skills as well as a broad range of information, media and technology applications to solve problems in bioinformatics field.
  • Engage in self-directed lifelong learning and demonstrate entrepreneurial competency to deliver solutions in bioinformatics field.


  • Bioinformatician, Biology Researcher in the health care industry
  • Biology researcher in the biomedical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
  • Biology researcher in the agricultural industry and environmental management industry
  • Biology researcher in the forensics centre, research institutions and universities


Ts. Dr. Ng Chong Han

Assistant Professor

Ong Chia Sui

Assistant Professor

Ts. Amelia Kassim


Ts. Dr. Chong Lee Ying

Senior Lecturer

Ts. Dr. Chong Siew Chin

Deputy Dean / Senior Lecturer

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Goh Kah Ong Michael

Associate Professor

Ts. Dr. Goh Pey Yun

Assistant Professor

Prof. Ts. Dr. Heng Swee Huay


Dr. Ho Yean Li

Senior Lecturer

Jaya Kumar Krishnan


Ts. Dr. Law Check Yee

Foundation Senior Lecturer

Ts. Dr. Leow Meng Chew

Assistant Professor

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Lew Sook Ling

Associate Professor

Ts. Dr. Liew Tze Hui

Senior Lecturer

Prof. Ts. Dr. Md. Shohel Sayeed


Mohd Fikri Azli Abdullah


Ts. Dr. Nazrul Muhaimin Ahmad

Senior Lecturer

Ts. Dr. Neo Han Foon

Assistant Professor

Ts. Dr. Subarmaniam Kannan

Senior Lecturer

Ts. Ibrahim Yusof


Ts. Dr. Ong Lee Yeng

Assistant Professor

ASSOC. PROF. Ts. Dr. Ooi Shih Yin

Deputy Director, Technology Transfer Office/ Associate Professor

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Pang Ying Han

Associate Professor

Ts. Roy Chang Kwang Yang


Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Tan Choo Kim

Associate Professor

Ts. Tan Choo Peng

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Tan Joon Liang

Senior Lecturer

Prof. Ts. Dr. Tan Shing Chiang


Prof. Ts. Dr. Tee Connie

Dean of IPS (Institute for Postgraduate Studies)/Professor

Ts. Teo Chuan Chin


ASSOC. PROF. Ts. Dr. Wee Kuok Kwee

Associate Professors

Prisha Palpunavam


Chew Yee Jian


Dr. Tioh Keat Soon

Assistant Professor

Alvin Lim Fang Chuen


Dr. Mazen Farid Ebrahim Ramadhan

Senior Lecturer