Invitation letter from UTAR DataFest 2021

Dear Sir/ Madam:

We are from UTAR Statistical Computing and Operations Research Society, SCOR (Kampar Campus). Currently, our society is organizing an online competition event named “DataFest 2021” for secondary school students and university students in Malaysia. On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite your university students to participate in the online competition. The competition will be divided into two categories, namely the Infographics category for secondary students and Data management using a dashboard for university students.

The aim of the competition is to provide a suitable platform for students to increase their knowledge and awareness of the upcoming trend of data analytics. Moreover, this competition serves as a window opportunity for students to discover and showcase their talents in data analytics.

The details of the presentation and award ceremony are as follows:

Date: 10 July 2021
Time: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Number of participants: 2-3 students per group

This competition provides a great opportunity for students to sharpen up their problem-solving and analytical skills. Therefore, we will provide students with an included training workshop on how to build a dashboard using data analytic tools and software. We have also invited an experienced and professional trainer/speaker to share the data management using dashboard skills needed for students to gain before entering the workforce. After the training,  we will brief the participants about the competition details and they will be given a few days to complete their dashboard and submit it by 8 July 2021,12 p.m.

The details of the training workshop are as follows:

Date: 4 July 2021
Time: 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Registration link:

For more details, please refer to the poster attached below. We look forward to receiving good news from your students’ participation in the competition. Should you have any inquiries, feel free to contact us via email at, or the contact number as below:

  1. Ku Yew Sheng 017-5975730
  2. Wong Wei Jun 011-11458115

Thank you
Ku Yew Hoe
Publicity Manager of UTAR SCOR DataFest 2021
