FET Receives Academic Visit from Monash University
On 10 October 2018, Mechanical Engineering team of Faculty of Engineering Technology (FET), Multimedia University (MMU) hosted an academic visit from 41 final year students from Monash University, led by its lecturer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hung Yew Mun, at MMU Melaka campus. Â The guests were welcomed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fazly Salleh Abbas, Dean of FET.
They were given a tour of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics labs where they were shown a demonstration of three different equipment, namely forced convection in the tubular duct, Pelton Wheel and Cooling Tower by Dr. Chen Gooi Mee, Mr. Ooi Yongson Mr. Mirza Baig Farrukh, Mr. Azman Kong and Mr. Mohd. Fauzi Sarip. The students were captivated by the lab demonstration and the response to the question and answer sessions was remarkable.
The visit continued with a research project presentation by FET’s Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Mr. Hor Chee Hao entitled “Thermo-Fluids Effects Due To Motion in Artificial Hip Joint“ who also took the opportunity to give an overview of the research projects carried out at the Center of Advanced Mechanical and Green Technology (CAMGT) which was led by Prof. Dr. Tso Chih Ping. The visit concluded with the hope that the academic visit will set the tone for more exchanges and collaboration between MMU and Monash University in the future.