FET Peer Tutoring Program
About Peer Tutoring Programme

The FET Peer Tutoring Programme is initiated by Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Multimedia University in collaboration with Golden Key Society and Engineering Society to help students improve their academic performance. In this programme, student volunteers conduct extra classes as a supplement to normal lecture and tutorial classes. This programme is opened to all FET foundation and degree students with the aim to help them excel in their studies. In short, peer tutoring is about students helping students.

The Peer Tutoring Class gives focus on discussing tutorial and past year examination questions, while theories and concepts are discussed when necessary. The Peer Learning Class gives focus on fundamental topics. It helps student from various subjects who may want to revise a particular topic that they have learnt previously or those who want to strengthen their understanding. At the same time, the programme also helps to enhance the knowledge and soft-skill of peer tutors.

- To engage peer tutors to guide and assist students in critical or pre-requisite subjects.
- To engage peer tutors to guide and assist students in preparatory or fundamental topics.
- To enhance the knowledge and soft-skill of peer tutors.
Benefits for Students
- Able to experience and learn how peer-tutors understand a concept or solve a problem.
- Able to gain more hands-on practices on tutorials and exam based questions.
- Able to receive individualized attention from peer tutors.
- Able to feel more comfortable and open to discuss and seek advice from peer tutors.
Benefits for Peer Tutors
- Able to reinforce own understanding of the subject.
- Able to gain soft skills and experience which may help in future goals.
- Able to pass down learning skills and experiences to juniors.
- Being awarded with a certificate of appreciation and SAPS points.
- Being presented with book vouchers and gifts.
Program achievements
Improvement of student results!
Statistic shows that students who joined peer tutor classes have improved their results
Student enrollment
Registration guideline
Registration Guideline
View the registration guideline on how to enroll to preferred peer tutor classes.
Registration form
Registration form
Complete the registration form and ensure that all required information is provided.
Time slots
Participating subjects
Join as Peer Tutor
Support Our Peer tutors
For any queries, please contact:
Dr. Yap Yee Ling +606-252 3397 ylyap@mmu.edu.my
+606-2523585 wwgoh@mmu.edu.my
Ms. Goh Wei Wei
Contribution form
To contribute to this program, please download and complete the following contribution form
Donor recognition
We are very appreciative of our donors and their support of FET Peer Tutoring Program’s aspiration. Every contribution makes a difference.
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alan Tan Wee Chiat
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Heng Siong
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Way Soong
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fazly Salleh Abas
- E-Voyage 2013
- E-Voyage 2014
- E-Voyage 2015
- E-Voyage 2016
- Corporate Communications Unit (CCU)
- Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM)
*In alphabetical order