FET Lab portal


Welcome to the FET Lab Portal. This site provide the latest information and resources regarding lab matters.

Trimester October/November 2024
Term 2430

!!! Important notices !!!

Undergraduate lab


  • Undergraduate Lab sessions will start by Week 3.
  • Undergraduate lab schedules and lab groups are uploaded to version 2 (16 Nov 24).
  • Please check your lab group and lab schedule carefully and attend your session accordingly.
Lab schedule
Lab group

Lab sheets

Access the lab sheets here. Use your MMU Microsoft Office account (studentID@mmu.edu.my).

Diploma lab


  • DEE & DME Lab schedules are released.
  • DEE and DME Lab will start by Week 2. Please check your schedule properly.
  • DEE & DME Lab schedule are updated to version 3 (16 Nov 24). Please check if the changes will affect your lab session or not.
Lab schedule
Dear diploma students, kindly check your lab schedule in the CLiC system for details.

Lab sheets

Access the lab sheets here. Use your MMU Microsoft Office account (studentID@mmu.edu.my).

Contact Us

For lab matters

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liew Kia Wai
Chairman of Lab Management Committee

For lab schedule matters

Ms. Aslin Binti Latha
Senior Technician

For lab portal matters

Mr. Low Lay Chen
Web Application Maintenance Liaison Officer