FET Industry Forum on Engaging the collaboration between University-Industry: What is the successful model?

FET Industrial Linkage Committee will be organising a FET Industry Forum on Engaging the collaboration between University-Industry: What is the successful model in conjunction with IAP Visit 2022. We encourage FET students to participate. The details of the industry forum are as follows:
FET Industry Forum on Engaging the collaboration between University-Industry: What is the successful model?
Virtual Sharing Session: The James Dyson Award (JDA) 2023
• Date: 13 January 2023 (Friday)
• Time: 11.30 am – 12.30 pm
• Venue: via Google Meet (https://meet.google.com/vfz-qono-ftf)
• Open to MMU staff and students
• E-certificate will be provided for participants
For further enquiries, please get in touch with ppem@mmu.edu.my.